WISE Horizons Publications

Short list of all WISE Horizons publications

Detailed overview of all WISE Horizons publications

Joint Publication: A European Agenda to Navigate Uncertain Times: How to steer the EU towards wellbeing for all, now and in the future

co-authored with SPES, ToBe, WISER, and MERGE

Tilting the Scale: A Theoretical Framework to re-direct Public Policy away from Economic Growth towards Sustainable and Inclusive Wellbeing


A review of macroeconomic approaches to modelling Wellbeing, Inclusion, and Sustainability

A review of policy strategies around the world through a lens of Wellbeing, Inclusion, and Sustainability

A synthesis of Beyond-GDP metrics for Wellbeing, Inclusion, and Sustainability including a deep dive into EU metrics and their role in governance

  • Annegeke Jansen, Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University
  • Rutger Hoekstra, Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University
  • Raphael Kaufmann, ZOE Institute for Future-fit Economies
  • Alexandra Gerer, ZOE Institute for Future-fit Economies